“Belle": Beauty, Creation and Faith triumph. The world saw Notre Dame Cathedral after its restoration for the first time (photo)...

“Belle": Beauty, Creation and Faith triumph. The world saw Notre Dame Cathedral after its restoration for the first time (photo)... Collage by Olena Zelenina. AP Photos at the Gromada Group Media
Collage by Olena Zelenina. AP Photos

Five years after the catastrophic fire that turned Notre Dame Cathedral into a smoldering shell, journalists saw the fully restored interiors of the Gothic masterpiece for the first time. And, as they write, the transformation is simply breathtaking: light dances on the shiny stone, gilded accents shine and the greatness of the iconic monument is reborn anew. Why, amid the horrors of our war, the abyss of Ukrainian grief and growing despair, are we so moved by this news?

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